Elements of Ayurveda
For thousands of years Ayurveda has been practiced in India as a holistic healthcare system. The basic premiss, similar to Chinese medicine, is the Elements of Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth combine to make everything in and around us.
These 5 elements combine to create three distinct types of organisms. Ether and Air combine to create Vata types. Fire and Water combine to make Pitta types. Earth and Water combine to make Kapha types. We will get into qualities of each on another day. What’s really cool about this system is the powerful effect combining elements with intention can have on our body, mind and actions.
“Combining elements!” you say. Yes! Everything from our surroundings, daily self-care practices, and food contain properties from each of these elements. Westerners often refer to food as fuel or energy. You would fuel fire very differently than you would fuel earth. A hummingbird needs much different fuel than a bear. In Ayurveda food is medicine. By learning what we are made up of we can help us fuel it properly, and use food to treat imbalances.
Here is the genius of Ayurveda- recommendations are always based on the question for whom and when? We look at your natural elemental make up, at imbalances from within and without, at goals, then can create lifestyle changes to bring balance to your body and mind.
Ayurveda gives you the knowledge to notice imbalances sooner and the power to bring you back into balance as the perfect creature of the universe you are.
-From the development of Santosha, inner contentment, arises the unsurpassed happiness- Yoga Sutra